Important notice:


Making handmade toys is a very meticulous long process that involves hours of work and dedication. We are an independent “factory” so understand this and have it in mind before being too demanding. We would really appreciate it.

Once they are sold out, they will be gone forever.


  • Orders can NOT be canceled. You will be banned and blacklisted forever if the excuse is not convincing, strong enough or if it is a lie.
  • We do NOT trade.
  • Sorry, 2 points above sounded really rude but, actually, we are very nice people and very friendly.
  • Yes, we ship WORLDWIDE.
  • Even though we speak in plural all the time, all this is run by only one person.
  • All toys are sent with love and care.
  • Become a member of our Fan Club NOW.


Drop us a line asking anything you would like to know related to Watdafac Toys:


NEW Headquarter will be located in Calle Concejal Francisco José Jimenez Martín (Madrid, Spanish State).

VISITS ONLY UNDER APPOINTMENT! (subscribe to the newsletter for Open Studio days)

Email: contact(a)

If you want to get rid of your toys, figures or collectibles, do not hesitate to contact us. We collect any kind of items and rarities. Before throwing them away, think about us!.


hours of sanding

Please, be aware that colors might slightly change from the ones on the picture (except unique pieces) since they are handmade items. All toys need at least 2 weeks for production before being delivered. Thank you for your patience.